About us
We would like to explain that our websites are only available in the german language. All the same, we would like to give you some information about the union:
Historically, the roots of the DPolG were various police-associations which were founded after 1871. Against all the odds the "Reichsverband Deutscher Polizeibeamter" was founded on 13th of May 1919 in Berlin as the predecessor organisation of DPolG.
In 1928 the name changed to "Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Polizeibeamter" and to "Reichsgewerkschaft Deutscher Polizeibeamter" in 1931 before the organisation was dissolved by National Socialists in 1933.
On the 18th of August 1951, the union re-established itself as the "Bund Deutscher Po-lizeibeamter" (BDP). In 1966 it was renamed the "Polizeigewerkschaft im Deutschen Be-amtenbund" (PDB). Since 1987 our organisation trades under the name of "DPolG".
Since then everyone dealing with police business (police-officers, civil servants and wage-earning employees) has been eligible to join the DPolG in its function as a vocational representation. The DPolG has around 80.000 members.
The DPolG represents the vocational, social, economical and financial interests of German police employees also those who are retired. The main aim is to achieve better working and living conditions as well as improvement of German official and vocational rights. As thus, we are in contact with governments, parliaments and parties on federal and state level.
The headquarters of the DPolG is located in Berlin, but you will find DPolG representation in each of Germany´s 16 states representing the special needs of its members. Further more the DPolG represents two special associations for colleagues in Federal Border Guard (BPOL) and Federal Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BKA). You will find the ad-dresses under the link "Landes-/Fachverbände" .
The DPolG has a "Bundeskongress" which sits in session every four years. The admini-stration of the DPolG is selected and also trade union guidelines are discussed and agreed upon.
The DPolG is also member of the "European Police Union" (EPU) .
Further information can be found under the link "Wir über uns" . Please don´t hesitate to contact us.